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DSA2024: 26–28 June 2024, Hybrid at SOAS University of London

DSA2024: Social justice and development in a polarising world


Dear DSA2024 delegate,

This email is to help you with getting to SOAS, to clarify where things are located in the two SOAS buildings (Brunei Gallery Building, Senate House and Main building) and to remind you what you need to pack (if travelling from outside the UK).

What to bring to London (or get on the spot)

If visiting from abroad, remember to bring a power adapter that fits the UK sockets (three pins). If you plan to show a PowerPoint or other presentation file(s), bring your files on a USB or a portable device. 

Please bring your own reusable water bottle - SOAS (London) tap water is clean and drinkable.

SOAS, as the rest of the UK, lies in the temperamental climate zone, which means that weather forecasts are as undependable as governments. The best idea is to prepare for both blistering heat and a biblical flood (breathable layers accompanied by waterproof ones). Carry an umbrella at all times to fend off rain, sunshine and boring admirers. Supermarkets, buses and trains tend to overdo air conditioning, so remember to carry something (a shirt, a shawl) to cover up with.

Further travel advice is available here:


Pre-conference events start already on Tuesday 25 June, but most delegates will arrive for the conference opening and first panel sessions on Wednesday 26 June. If you arrive early enough on Wednesday, please come to the conference venue to check in and attend the opening event.

If your panel is on Wednesday, ensure you come to reception to check-in from 11:00-16:00 so that you’ll be badged by the time you need to start looking for your panel room.

Internet access at SOAS

Eduroam credentials can be used for accessing WiFi at SOAS – if your device has been used for accessing Eduroam anywhere in the world, you should be able to log on automatically. For those who need to log in anew, see the instructions on the SOAS WiFi page - just ensure you have your username and password from your own institution available. Some devices may require additional configuration, see the SOAS WiFi page for advice.

In addition there is a free 'WiFi Guest' network maintained by Sky WiFi for use by anyone not in the Eduroam club. You’ll need to set up a Sky account.


DSA2024 will not offer a full printed programme (‘the book’) but a succinct printout with overall and panel timetables including times/locations of events, keynotes etc. However for full search functionality, we recommend using your device to view the DSA2024 website. The timetable page gives the when and where of a panel or event (including how many sessions it has); you can also see the date/times/location of any panel when viewing that panel from the All panels view.

Please note that if you are logged in when viewing the programme, you can star/favourite panels or papers you wish to attend/hear.


The conference takes place at SOAS University of London, 10 Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG.  Comprehensive information of how to get to London and how to find SOAS once you’re in the capital city is provided on our Travel page. This little map below shows the buildings we are using, surrounded by a number of tube stations in all directions.


On reaching SOAS, enter the main door of the Brunei Gallery Buiding and turn left. Located in the ground floor foyer space BG02 is the reception desk (also known as the registration desk). The desk will be staffed by DSA2024 volunteers wearing white T-shirts carrying the DSA2024 logo (that cats-craddle hands thingy). On arrival at the Reception desk identify yourself to receive your nametag (badge) and be checked in. If you want the programme print-out you can take one. You can then go on to enjoy the conference.

Reception desk will be open: Wed 11:00-18:00, Thu 08:30-16:00 and Fri 08:30-15:15. Please do not try to check in at the Reception desk before it opens.


If possible, please try to do this prior to arrival (at least by 25 June) via card/PayPal. If you know for sure that you can only pay at the conference, but you are yet to inform us about that, please let us know now, so we know you are coming. While considerate to your dedicated admin, this also helps us predict catering numbers, reducing waste.

If you are still to settle your fees - membership and conference
Please try to pay your fees by card before the end of this week. All those who have not paid in advance or have not told us that they can only pay in cash at the event will have to pay a £20 surcharge at the NomadIT office in room BG01, ground floor of Brunei building

If paying on arrival, it must be in cash pounds (GBP) at the NomadIT office located near the Reception desk on the ground floor. We cannot take card payments directly.

NomadIT office opening hours: Wed 11:00-18:00, Thu 08:30-16:00 and Fri 08:30-15:15.


If you need to print your conference paper, or a boarding pass or other short text-based document, this can be done for 50p/page at the NomadIT office.


Some funding bodies/institutions require proof of attendance from the delegate they have funded. We do not automatically print these for all delegates, but will email a signed, headed PDF certificate to all delegates after the conference is over. This may be preferable as papers easily crumple or get lost on the homeward journey. Each attending delegate can also download this certificate stating their involvement (panels convened, papers presented) from the login environment on our website, after the event is over. Once logged in, click Conference, find your registration and click on the "C" icon there. 

If such a PDF really is not acceptable to your administration, please come to the NomadIT office during a quieter moment to request a printed and pen-signed certificate, and we will be happy to supply one. Same goes for Receipts of payment.


Your registration includes coffee/tea (each day) and lunch (Thu & Fri), as well as canapes & drinks at the opening reception - all served at the Senate house Cloister area.
The conference size presents a challenge to the capacity of SOAS spaces. Our catering will be spread across multiple spaces - if you find a catering station too clogged with queues, ask student volunteers to point you to another. The catering choices are vegan and vegetarian - and they should be marked in terms of allergies. If you need an allergy-specific meal, please email me immediately.

Please also note that the downstairs restaurant in Senate House remains a commercial eatery that does not serve conference lunches or coffee.


Please use the DSA2024 timetable page to navigate the conference content. For quick reference as to when, where and how long a particular panel is, check the 'Panels' view in the timetable.

  • We recommend reading through the conference timetable on the website in advance, starring all panels, events and meetings you wish to attend. To do this you must be logged in. (Log in via the Log in link in the upper right corner and navigate to the timetable.) Apply the starred/personalised filter by clicking the star (next to the ‘Participants’ button), You can add such items to your calendar (so as to get reminders) using the calendar icons on the right side.
  • Study Group-curious and current members: please note your various meeting times Tuesday-Thursday. 
  • Note the plenary events of Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and remember to come together to decide and discuss all things DSA for the Annual General Meeting (AGM). 


Please go to buy books and meet the exhibitors in the catering space, Senate house Cloister area: Practical Action, Bloomsbury Academic and Bristol University Press.

And you can also participate in the 'Publication strategies for students and early career researchers' to meet the publishing and journal editors for advice and tips how to get published in journals and books (Thursday 27 at 12:45 BG01 and Friday 28 same time )


You will do great, don't be scared! Nobody knows your research as well as you do. Have your files ready on a USB stick or other portable device. Try to go to your panel rooms 15 minutes before the session starts, to upload/download and check your files.

Please bring any files you wish to present to your panel room 15 minutes before the session, to upload from your USB stick/portable device and check.

You cannot present from your own computer as the hybrid delivery is set to work with the room’s main computer. A Zoom will be running (for your panel) on the room’s computer, so when you wish to show your files you will need to use the Zoom share-screen function, so that both those in the room and online will be able to see your files and you.

There will be a student volunteer team member present to assist - all will be well. 


Please arrive 20 mins early for your panel to meet the conference volunteer who will start the panel’s Zoom on the room’s computer and go over the hybrid aspect.

Presenters will arrive early to upload their presentations to the presentation computer, and remote presenters will want to also do a quick tech check. Please ensure you’ve read these guidelines and do your best to treat all participants (online as well as f2f) fairly.

Strict time-keeping is crucial to a good conference and is one of your responsibilities: please ensure each presenter gets their fair share of the time and do not run over into the breaks. 


Sessions are 90 mins long with up to four papers per session, some fewer. It is up to the convenors of each panel to decide how much time they want for discussion, how long papers can be (we recommend 10-15 mins if there are 4 papers) and if they want papers or PowerPoints pre-circulated.


The Zoom links are within the timetable and/or panel pages and are visible only to logged-in, paid-up delegates.

Panel Zooms are displayed beneath the panel’s date/time as a button saying “Enter the virtual room” - click to enter the Zoom.


  • During the conference, emergency messages should be sent to
  • NomadIT can be contacted at all times on this emergency number: +447417515358 but please only call outside of conference hours if it’s an emergency.

999 and 112 are emergency numbers - calls are always free.


Bookmark and monitor the DSA2024 online timetable for all information! Also follow the DSA Twitter and LinkedIn The conference hashtag is #DSA2024. DSA communications, Rowena, is available on X or if there is anything you want to promote.

Safe travels – see you soon!
Winfred with Kristjan, Carlotta,Triinu and Rohan - the DSA2024 Conference team

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